The Foundation for Transparency in Offshoring Mission:The FTO is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to educating buyers and suppliers of consumer research and analytics services on considerations related to offshoring, and to establishing sensible, clear disclosure standards for offshoring practices. FTO holds no position for or against offshoring research services, but maintains transparency and open dialogue between research buyers and suppliers are critical to making informed, secure business decisions. FTO defines offshoring as the movement of a business process done at a company in one country to the same or another company in a different country, usually due to a lower cost of operations in the new location. FTO certification is free. Market research suppliers may self certify here. Market research clients are encouraged to require their suppliers to certify and to show their support for the transparency initiative here. |
ResourcesThinking Outside the BPO:Knowledge Process Outsourcing to India Offshoring to India: Are Your Trade Secrets and Confidential Information Adequately Protected? Key Issues In Offshore — Business Process Outsourcing News ReleaseFTO Coverage in Research Conference Report (Nov. 2009) FTO launch press release (11-18-2009)
View the presentation about Offshoring Transparency |
Founder & ChairmanTom H.C. Anderson Board of AdvisorsSonia Baldia Eric M. Bell Ann Margreth Hellberg Jon Leiman Gordon Morris Dr. Alf Rehn Joel Rubinson Tom De Ruyck Fern Schapiro |
Clients can show their support for FTO as well. Researchers from the following client side organizations currently support the FTO Initiative. (Partial List Below) Åbo Akademi University Show your support by signing our petition and connecting to FTO on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. |